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/ Comparative literature – Department of Literatures and Languages of the World

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Publications The journal of interdisciplinary research in text and media is an independent electronic journal, produced entirely by graduate students.

Since comparative literature is at the crossroads of many disciplines, the journal covers a wide range of topics, giving students and scholars an international and interdisciplinary forum: French, Quebec, Canadian, German and South American literature, art history, film, cultural and feminist studies, etc. publishes articles on:

  • Cultural theories
  • International literature
  • Relations between literature and other spheres and types of media

It imposes no geographic or linguistic limits (except for the editorial languages, French and English).

The team received the 2003 Forces award from the Université de Montréal for the best volunteer project on campus in the Arts, letters and culture category.

The team has received financial support from the Department since 2003.

Read the latest issues of

Intermédialités journal

A journal dealing with the history and theory of arts, letters and techniques

After intertextuality, which sought to strip the text of its supposed autonomy and read in it the play of other, pre-existent texts and to restore it to a series of texts...

After interdiscursivity, which grasped that unity is composed of a multiplicity of discourses which the text gathers together and traverses...

We now present intermediality: the study of how texts and discourses pertain not only to language's system but also to the materials and means of transmission, to the experience of codes and to the lessons from things.

In other words, the materialities of communication are a part of the task of signifying and referencing; symbolic products, like Ideas, do not float about in a limitless ether, nor are they merely spiritual constructions unrelated to their concrete constituent parts.

Read Intermédialités.