Research centres and laboratory
The Comparative Literature Section has study and research groups on the relations between:
- Law and literature
- Media
- Social conflicts and literature
Centre of Intermedial Research in Arts, Literatures and Technologies (CRIalt)

The CRIalt is the 1st research centre in Quebec and all of Canada to examine intermedial relationships and their historical, sociological, cultural and political implications.
Centre interuniversitaire d’études sur les lettres, les arts et les traditions (CÉLAT)

The CÉLAT mainly conducts fundamental research aimed at producing knowledge for the academic community. It promotes interdisciplinary dialogue in the cultural field, through its new programming on the theme of “coexisting despite increasingly pluralistic societies.” The CÉLAT is probably Quebec’s most diversified research centre, thanks to its links through its members to 16 disciplines and many means of knowledge production, as well as the most open to changes in research formats. In short, the Centre is becoming a unique model serving as a noteworthy example and a source of inspiration.
Laboratoire sur les récits du soi mobile
The idea of a mobile laboratory to collect people’s stories began with the observation that we are entering a period that is increasingly dominated by tales about ourselves and about mobility. Such mobile narratives, in their new media context, are local creations, disseminated worldwide in real time. They are networked, georeferenced and often ephemeral creations that reach beyond the formal boundaries of literature and become the lynchpin of social and economic exchanges in our era of global communication.
The laboratory, bringing together a number of major Quebec players (Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, the Institut national de l’image et du son, the Quartier des spectacles Partnership, the Society for Arts and Technology and the Maison de l'architecture du Québec, among others), offers a unique research infrastructure, mobile and adaptable, a place for encounters and study based on a 3-legged platform of the university, public streets and spaces, and the virtual domain.
More information (in French)