Experts in: Theories and practices of intermediality
BEM, Caroline
Professeure adjointe
CLAUSIUS, Katharina
Professeure agrégée
- Word and Music Studies
- Theories and practices of intermediality
- Literature criticism
- Littérature et peinture
- Politics of aesthetics
- Cultural policy
- Media Theories
- Musicology
- Aesthetics and visual culture
- Theories of democracy
- Opera
- Visual arts
- Modern and post-modern Theater
- Poetry and poetics
- Early Modern Times
- Baroque Period
- Age of Enlightenment
- 20th century
- 2000 A.D. - Present
- Between the wars
DESPOIX, Philippe
Professeur associé
- Theories and practices of intermediality
- Interdiscursivity
- Antiquity
- Age of Enlightenment
- 20th century
- Europe
- Canada
- Literature and science
- German and Austrian Literature (20th and 21th century)
- Visual arts
Philippe Despoix is an expert on 18th-century literature and takes an interest in European scientific voyages of the Enlightenment and, in particular, as a member of the Gestes admirables research group, in the role and dissemination of engravings. He is also a specialist in 20th-century Germanic thought, and a member of the Canadian Centre for German and European Studies, where he co-directs the PUM collection. He is also a member of the trans-Atlantic doctoral academy "Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Space."
As a member of the scientific committee of the Centre de recherche sur l'intermédialité, he collaborates with the team working on "archiving in a digital age" and directs the Intermédialités journal on the history and theory of arts and letters and techniques. His current research concerns the function of the media in memory and intercultural processes. He is preparing a book that examines the relationship between photography, anthropology and history from an intermedial perspective.
Professeure agrégée
- Postcolonial theories
- Études postcoloniales
- Globalization
- Canadian literature
- Critical race theory
- Contemporary literature
- Feminism
- Interdisciplinarity
- Theories and practices of intermediality
- Theory of Metaphor
- Canada
- Film Making
- Modern Times
- Modern Period (writing and fine arts)
- Études féministes
- Transnational Studies
- Africa
- Europe