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/ Comparative literature – Department of Literatures and Languages of the World

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PhD in Literature

Demonstrate your ability to conduct independent research in a field you know well and love. Apply to the PhD in Literature program.


Choose 1 of the 3 options taught in the Comparative Literature Section:

  • Comparative and general literature
  • Literary theory and epistemology
  • Literary and intermedial studies

Or choose 1 of the 2 options offered by other sections of the Department of Literatures languages of the world:

  • Fall and winter admission
  • Daytime classes
  • Full-time and part-time
  • 90 credits


The + of studying comparative literature at the Université de Montréal!

  • Post-Scriptum, an e-journal managed entirely by graduate students in the Department.
  • A faculty team that has created international research networks. Their work on literature and other forms of cultural expression is drawn from many different sources, from China to Japan, Canada, Germany, Italy, the United States, and French-speaking, Slavic, Latin-American and Arabic countries.